Hi, I'm Xintong Li (李昕同), a machine learning research engineer in Apple at Cupertino, working on machine translation. I am primaly interested in better understanding human languages and developing translation technology that enables connecting people across language barriers. I'm also excited about machine learning related topics.
Listing of my papers on Google Scholar, a subset in ACL Anthology.
I am from Shenyang. I earned my PhD degree on machine translation in the Department of Electronic Engineering at The Chinese University of Hong Kong in July 2019, advised by Prof. Max Q.-H. Meng. Meanwhile, I was a research intern at Tencent AI Lab advised by Dr. Lemao Liu. After graduation, I joined the Department of Linguistics at The Ohio State University as a postdoc, working on natural language generation with Prof. Michael White. Then, I was a research scientist in Baidu Research at Sunnyvale, working on simultaneous translation with Prof. Liang Huang. Now, I'm continuing my journey at Apple...
A commend line tool for viewing or labeling word alignments of parallel sentences.